Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tips To Live A Happy Married Life

When two people get married they promise to live and die with each other. They promise to be ready to help the other in need. And to keep up those promises for the entire life time is not an easy job. A great dedication is needed towards the partner's happiness and sorrows that ultimately are yours too. Both become the wheels of a cycle that are incomplete and worthless without one another.

They have to live their life with vivacity that requires a huge understanding between the couple. Some are lucky enough to have an understanding partner that can know what the other wants without asking to him/her. But here also exception exists and those who try a lot to maintain a strong relation gets disappointed when every effort seems to be fruitless.

There may be some reasons on the other hand it may happen due to some defects of vastu in their life. Vastu shastra works for the well being of a person by balancing it with the nature. This tuning helps to attract the positivity in one's life to keep him away from the troubles and worries that are happening without any cause. To create a compatibility with your partner vastu shastra has its own rules and procedure that are needed to follow.

vastu is needed when your mood swings in seconds. Did you noticed that when often you enter home you got irritated while everything is fine, when your partner wants to spend time with but you don't find his presence good. These observations will let you know that something is there that is restricting the ways of joy, happiness and peace to enter the dwelling.

Vastu shastra is a science that tunes nature's five elements as merging them together can get the lost happiness back. In short if the home is not blessed by the vastu then it may cause sadness and problem in relationship among the family members.

To live a happier life one just has to make the stability of the five elements with the directions. Choosing a right direction can not only directs you towards the success but also create a peaceful and relaxing environment. Following the below mentioned tips one can make his life prosperous and joyful:

• The bedroom is the very important place as memories take birth there. So it should be south-west direction.

• The ideal direction for the placing the bed is also south-west part of the room. Avoid keeping it in south-east as it is considered to be the place of fire that can result into consequences between the couple.

• For peace and love the shape of the bed is recommended to be square or rectangle.

• Wall colors also need to be compatible with the science as they have the power to make the expected change in life. You may go for light blue, pink or green.

• Never place a mirror in front of the bed. Not only mirror, the television should also be kept at a place where one can't see his image while sitting on the bed.

• Avoid hanging those paintings or wallpapers that depicts violence, sorrow, death.

Remember one thing always vastu doesn't guarantee to do the aforementioned for making your life easy. You also have to take care of your relation with your partner. Learn to avoid small mistakes of one another and keep faith to make the bonding powerful.

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